Vacancies Module

Vacancies Module

Create and manage open Vacancies


How To Video

Module Description

The Vacancy module enables HR Manager to create job openings for their company.  The fields within the Vacancy module define the specific requirements of the position, such as "job Title", Job Location, Responsibilities, salary, contract type, etc.  Once a vacancy is created the HR Manager can publish new vacancy on the company's website and potential candidates are then be directed to the company's career page to apply for that position. Job vacancies can either be Internal or External job advertisement.  Each vacancy explains briefly the number of vacant positions for the current opportunity. Once each vacancy is filled, status of the job is changed from 'open' to 'filed', and once filed can be unpublished from the website. 

Vacancy Module features

  • The vacancy module enables HR Managers to create open positions within the company. 
  • The HR Manager can create new job openings and post these openings to the corporate website with the detail description of job title, place and number of vacancies.
  • Candidates can apply for the new openings after considering the job description and can use the online form to upload candidate data and CV. 
  • Each posted job in the vacancy module can be filled for certain period of time. Once the vacancy is filled, it can be 'unpublished' and will no longer available on the corporate website.
  • The current status of each new opportunity assists the job seeker to understand accessibility of the posted job.
  • Jobs are listed by the Office location enabling candidates to apply if the job meets their location suitability.
  • New vacancies are displayed by their contract type making it easier for the candidates to relate their availability with the contract type of job. Eg - Full Time, Casual, Part Time, etc. 
  • Candidates are then associated with the various open vacancies which assists the HR managers to inspect the list of the candidates who have applied.  Each candidate can then be reviewed easily for suitability from information uploaded via the corporate website.

Creating Vacancies

  1.  Navigate to the "Vacancies" Module in the main menu.
  2.  Click on "+" button to create a new vacancy record
  3. Using the "Title field" enter the vacancy "Title" Eg - "Marketing assistant in the production department" you can be as descriptive as you like.
  4. Select a location from the Location field. The "location" field is a Lookup field that looks up all of the locations from the "Offices" module.  You can either select from the list of offices or create a new office by clicking "+ New Office".
  5. The "Status" field is set as Active by default.
  6. Assign a hiring manager from "Hiring Manager" lookup field. Hiring Manager can be any employee from the employee database.  You can select or assign new Hiring Manager by scrolling down the list.
  7. Assign a "Target Fill Date" field. For example if job positing date is 19/05/20 then target fill date could be 19/06/20.   You can use the "Target Fill Date" to set reminders or run reports.
  8. Tick the "Publish" checkbox to publish the vacancy to corporate website.
  9. Enter the "Position Title" to display it on career page.  The "Position Title" is different to the "Job Title",  It is the official Job Title, Eg "Marketing Assistant".
  10. Input the approved paid rate for the position in "Approved Annual Salary". 
  11. Describe duties and responsibilities involved in "Job Description".
  12. Set minimum years of experience in "Min work experience (yrs)" for the candidate to apply for the job. For instance Junior test analyst should have 1 year of experience working within the same position.
  13. Input the number of vacancies for same job opening in "Positions Available". For instance if you have only 1 position available enter "1".
  14. Select the Department of new vacancy from the "Department" Field.
  15. Select the contract type from the "Contract Type" field. Eg: Full time, Part-time, causal etc.
  16. Click "Save" to save and publish the vacancy.

Publish the vacancy on the company website.

Inspect the new job opening recently posted under "Job Opportunities" title.
  1. Click on the "Apply Now" button to put in your application.
  2.  A rectangular window pops up withholding several mandatory fields such as First name and resume etc.
  3. Fill up all mandatory fields such as "First Name", "Last Name", "Email", "Phone", "Date of Birth", "Current Address", "Expected Salary(AUD)".
  4. Upload your updated resume by clicking "Choose File" button for "CV Upload" field.
  5. Press "Submit" button to submit your application. The browser will appear with a new message " ✓ Application Submitted!".


The "Attachments" section stores all mandatory documents or files uploaded related to a job.

Steps to attach Attachments
  1. Click on "Attachments" under "RELATED LIST".
  2. Press "Upload File" to upload a file by scrolling down the "Attach" option.
  3. Click "Documents" option to to select documents from uploaded file.
  4. Append a link in "LINK (URL)" option.


The "Email" area stores all the emails containing crucial information such as office meetings and leave requests confirmations, distributed by the HR managers to employees or vice-versa.

Steps to Create an Email
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Emails".
  2. Click "+send" button or "send" button "Edit" button.
  3. Enter subject name in "Subject" field.
  4. Choose the template of email from "Choose your Template" button.
  5. Insert a survey link from "Insert Survey Link" button. (Optional)
  6. Type in your mail or message inside the text field below "Subject".
  7. Add attachment if required.
  8. Click "Send button" to send the message.

Open and Close Activities 

The "Open Activities" section allows HR Managers to create activities such as calendar events, tasks and calls and assign those activities to an employee. 

"Closed Activities" are activities that fall in the past.

To see a full description on how to work with "Activities" click here.


The "Candidates" area describes the candidate record of an employee. One candidate can apply for more than one job. Therefore, this area enlisted all applied jobs corresponds to one candidate.

Steps to Create Candidate
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Candidates" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create candidate. (Refer Candidate Module user manual to study next steps to create a Candidate.)


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