New Messages from an Unknown sender

New Messages from an Unknown sender

From time to time, you may receive a message from a Sender that does not exist in your CRM.  You can easily use the 'Create Lead' tool from within the Chat Console to achieve this.  Once the CRM 'Lead' has been saved you can continue to save and communicate with this Lead using LogixOne Chat.

The following video demonstrates how to achieve this.
You can carry on a conversation with that contact as you would any other saved 'Lead' or 'contact' but IF you wish to save that contact as a 'Lead' within your CRM following the instructions as detailed in the above.

How about if I know the contact exists already in my CRM 'Leads' or 'Contacts' module?

In this case all you need to do is navigate to that 'Leads' or 'Contacts' CRM record and add the mobile number or Social Media ID to their record.  The next time you respond to that Chat or the sender sends a new message LogixOne Chat will recognise the number and associate it to the correct contact.

In addition you can select one of the existing message records and add then add the relevant contact to any of that message and LogixOne Chatbox shall now show the 'Lead' or 'Contact' name.

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