LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator

LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator

What is LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator?

LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator is a tool that is embedded within your Zoho CRM environment.  It allows Zoho CRM users with access to select multiple Zoho CRM Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices (SO's) and consolidate all of the items within each record into a single record.

For example, you can select multiple quotes from the Zoho CRM quotes module and then consolidate them all into a single Zoho CRM quote and do the same for Sales Orders and Invoices.  LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator also creates links between each consolidated record and their corresponding 'consolidated' records and vice versa making it simple to track which SO have been consolidated.

How to Install LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator

Installing LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator requires you to complete the following steps:
READ ME! -- After the extension is installed you shall need to complete the 'LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator' extension settings.
To do so carefully follow the steps below, its important that you follow each step carefully and remember, IF you get stuck we'd be happy to do it for you.  Please use this calendar invite link to schedule an install time that's suitable to you:  https://calendly.com/iseka/logixone

Video Guide to Installing.

Steps to installing

Step 1 - Install the extension from Zoho Market Place or navigate to this URL while logged into your Zoho CRM Administrator account.  https://crm.zoho.com/market/installPrivatePlugin.do?portalName=peter10&nameSpace=logixonesalesorderconsolidator&versionIndex=3321492000000771005

Step 2 - Agree and Authorise LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator

Step 3 - Select Users /Profiles to Install for

Step 4 - Choose to Pay Now Monthly or Annually or for first-time users select '10-day free trial'.

Step 5 - Copy  the 'Open Auth Link and Paste into a new tab

Step 6 - In this step you need to obtain your organisation's Client ID and Client Secret, to do so in another tab go to https://api-console.zoho.com/ and click 'Get Started' or Click 'Add Client'

Step 7 - Click 'Server Based'

Step 8 - For Client Name Enter 'LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator'
       - For Home Page URL enter     https://zohoauth.logixone.cloud
       - For Authorized Redirects URI's enter     https://zohoauth.logixone.cloud/gettoken.php       - Click CREATE

Step 9 - Copy Client ID and client Secret to zohoauth.logixone.cloud mentioned in Step 5 and Tick 'I've created Client ID for this App  Tick 'Click this link to allow application access to your organization'
              Click 'Get Code'

Step 10 - Return to zohoauth.logixone.cloud and Click 'this link'

Step 11 - Click 'Accept'

Step 12 - Copy ' Your Refresh Token'

Step 13 - Return to LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator Install and paste Refresh Token into 'refres_token field' and click 'Save'

Step 14 - At this point, also copy the Client ID and Client Secret obtained in Step 9 to LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator Install and paste Refresh Token into 'client_id' and 'client_secert' fields.

Your LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator is now Installed, Follow the steps below to test and use LogixOne Sales Order Consolidator.

Remember, IF you get stuck we'd be happy to do it for you.  Please use this calendar invite link to schedule an install time that's suitable to you:  https://calendly.com/iseka/logixone

How to use LogixOne Consolidator for Zoho CRM

Quick 'How-To' Video

Step 1 - Select the Sales Orders you wish to consolidate

From the CRM Simple select the Sales Orders you wish to consolidate into one single invoice.  You can use the CRM advanced Filtering to select SO that meets certain criteria.
For example Filter by Account Name and Created Time of 'This Month' to only display Sales Orders for a particular Account for the Previous Month.

Step 2 - Click the 'Create Consolidated Invoice' button

The CRM shall return a success message detailing the newly created 'Consolidated' Invoice.

Step 3 - Review the newly created 'Consolidated' Invoice

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