LogixOne Chat FAQ's

LogixOne Chat FAQ's

LogixOne Chat FAQ's

The list below details the most commonly reported questions regarding LogixOne HR.

What are the requirements for using LogixOne Chat?


LogixOne Chat leverages Twilio for the provision and delivery of SMS messages.   If you have your own Twilio account you can connect that service to LogixOne Chat.  If you require assistance to do so or you would like us to provision a SMS number for you please free to contact us.


WhatsApp can be connected in two ways:
  1. By connected directly to either your personal or business WhatsApp number
  2. Twilio for the provision of WhatsApp services.  To obtain a 'WhatsApp' verified Twilio number requires a number of steps including Facebook business verification.  f you require assistance to do so or you would like us to provision and WhatsApp number for you please free to contact us.


Connecting your existing Telegram number is easy, all you require is an existing Telegram account with a number associated to it.  We suggest that the number associated to this account is a company owned number.

What happens if a new contact sends a message to the CRM that has not been seen before?

If a new contact sends you a new message and that contacts number is not stored within the CRM you can create a 'New Lead' from within the Chat Console. See New Messages from an Unknown sender to do so.  To send messages to you must do so from either a CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact'.

Notification Sounds won't play.

  1. When you first open LogixOne Chat in Chrome you need click somewhere within the window to turn on sound notifications, this is a known issue with Google Chrome
  2. Ensure you have un-muted the sound notification icon. 

Some of my users cannot see chats.

  1. Please ensure that any user has access to the following modules:  Leads, Contacts, Accounts, LogixOne Chat and Messages.

Can I respond to chats from an unknown contact?

Yes!. You may receive chats from a customer or external contact that does not exist as either a CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact' as such LogixOne Chat does not know who that contact is.  You can respond to that chat as you would any other.  Once you have the contacts details you can create a CRM 'Lead' by clicking the  '+' icon to the left of the chat session ID.

Please note, that in some cases the send may already exist as either a CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact' but they maybe messaging you from another channel for the first time and as such their chat channel ID is not stored within their contact details.  You can copy the contacts ID and paste it into the contacts record so that the system now knows how that chat belongs to.

My messages are not updating automatically.

This can happen periodically because of browser settings.  To fix this simply refresh your browser session again by pressing F5 or refreshing in the URL bar.

I have added a new number as a CRM 'Lead' but the Chatbox still does not show the Lead name?

This is because none of the messages you see within the Chatbox are associated to the new 'Lead' you have created.  (Or if you have added the number to an existing contact).  To fix this all you need to do is open any of the 'message records' and associate the new 'Lead' or the 'Contact' to the message record and the Chatbox name shall show AFTER you refresh your browser.

Similarly IF you respond to that message after the lead has been created any new messages shall be associated to the correct Lead and therefore the ChatBox shall show the messages and the Lead correctly.

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