About LogixOne Chat

About LogixOne Chat

What is LogixOne Chat?

LogixOne Chat is an advanced communication tool that provides real-time transmission of text messages via multiple chat channels. Chat messages can be sent and received to and from any CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact' via any of the following chat channels (with additional channels to be added):
  1. SMS via Twilio
  2. WhatsApp via Twilio
  3. Telegram

LogixOne Chat not only consolidates your chat messages but also enables you to automate the sending of messages to your customers using advanced workflow triggers that are quick and simple for you to create. Automate a SMS for a new order, a WhatsApp with a unique meeting link for new leads or a Telegram message to all customers at the click of a button.

All messages are stored within the CRM for later retrieval and of course, advanced reports can be created for you to gain even greater efficiencies and knowledge of your business.

How To Video

LogixOne Chat Main Components


Embedded within the CRM is the LogixOne ChatBox to access this simply select the 'LogixOne Chat' module within CRM.

The Chat Console allows any CRM user with access permissions to access all of the chats that are either being sent or received from the CRM.  From this tool CRM users can:
  1. Send and receive chat messages via any connected channel
  2. Send and receive attachments
  3. Open any chat message record
  4. Respond to new chats from a 'Non-existent' contact (a person that does not exist within either the Leads or Contacts module
  5. Search Chat Sessions by name.
  6. Filter chats based on:
    1. Message Type
    2. Contact Name
    3. CRM user (Agent)
    4. Message Direction
  7. Create, edit and use message templates
  8. Create a new Lead record for chat that has not been stored within either the Leads or Contacts module
  9. Create new messages to any existing CRM 'Lead' and/or 'Contact'
  10. Navigate to each associated message record (Contact or Lead).
  11. Search a chat session for specific content
  12. Access settings
  13. Mark messages as 'Read/Unread'
  14. Set 'Out-of-office' settings

CRM Lead or Contact Widget

CRM users with the correct access permissions can also message directly from within each CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact'.  Within each contact or lead record, CRM users can simply select 'LogixOne Chats' from the record-related list.  Messages detailed here are relevant to that particular Lead or Contact and provide an easy way to communicate with either 'Leads' or 'Contacts' on a one-on-one basis.

CRM users can
  1. Send and receive messages to selected contact via the various connected chat channels
  2. Insert Attachments
  3. Use template messages
  4. Filter messages by message type
  5. Link to each and every message record stored within the 'Messages' module.

Messages Module

LogixOne Chat stores ALL messages in a unique record within the custom 'Messages' module.  Whether a message is an 'Inbound' or 'Outbound' message.  Doing so enables you to not only store and report on all messages but take advantage of the CRM's advanced reporting and automation features.
CRM users can link directly to each message record from within the CRM 'Lead' or 'Contact' or directly from within the LogixOne Chat Console or embedded contact widget by clicking the icon in each message.

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