LogixOne B2B Portal for Zoho CRM FAQ's
Q1. Can I change B2B Accounts login email?
Yes you can change a B2B account login email by updating the 'B2B Account Email' field within Zoho CRM and clicking the 'sync Account to B2B Portal' button.
Q2. My customer has forgotten their password can I reset it?
Yes you can reset the password for each B2B Portal account by opening that account within Zoho CRM and clicking the 'Reset B2B Customer Password' button.
Q3. How about any taxes?
Any tax associated with the product record within Zoho CRM shall be synchronised to the LogixOne B2B Portal. PLEASE NOTE: if you change the taxable amount within the product after synching that product to any of your customers B2B portal's you will need to go back into the account and click the 'sync Product to B2B Portal' button for those changes to take effect in the corresponding accounts portal.
Make sure there is a tax code selected within the productGo to the account and click the 'sync products to B2B portal' button.
Q4. My orders are not syncing between Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory
For the synchronisation to work between Zoho CRM and Zoho Inventory it is mandatory that your Zoho Products and Zoho Inventory Sync is working and that the Zoho CRM Products [Product Code] and Zoho Inventory [Item SKU's] are identical.
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