Leave Requests Module

Leave Requests Module

Manage employees leave requests
Leave requests

How To Video

Module Description

The Leave Requests Module is the place where leave requests applications of employees are created and stored. A unique leave request ID is generated for every new application. State of the art profile is created against each Leave request ID. It describes the overriding fields such as leave name, employees name, status of leave and leave dates etc. Each leave requisition is identified by its status. Once the leave is granted by the HR Manager the status of leave is changed from requested to confirmed.

It requires an employee to mention the number of days, leave type and affiliated leave dates while applying for leave application. Moving further, the leave appeal requires to drop a line about reason for requesting the leave. The system generates an email describing the leave request in the leave request profile.

Module Features

  • It enables HR Managers to create leave requests for enrolled employees.
  • The system generates a unique leave request name for each new application.
  • A leave request name profile is created across leave requisition.
  • It allows the HR Managers to associate request emails with the leave profiles.
  • Leave Request Module authorizes the HR Managers to keep the record of each leave request and its petitioner (employee).
  • The module requires exact dates to be mentioned for taking days off.
  • The system allows the HR Managers to proclaim about the number of vacation days corresponding to the leave dates.
  • The HR Managers can associate leave status for generated leave requests and rephrase the status from requested to confirmed.
  • This module arranges the confirmed leave date corresponding to Leave Request Name and Employee name columns represented in tabular form.
  • The module classify the upcoming day off dates under open activities section.

Creating Leave Requests

  1. Navigate to "Leave Requests" Module in the main menu.
  2. Click "+" button to create a new leave request.
  3. Using "Email" field enter your email address under "Request Leave Information."
  4. Select an employee name from "Employee" lookup field. This field looks up for all the enrolled employees. You can create a new employee by clicking a "+ New Employee" button.
  5. Enter the dates you are requesting to take off in "Leave Dates" text field. Either you can enter single date or multiple dates. For instance 11/06/2020, 12/06/2020 and 13/06/2020.
  6. Enter the total number of counting all leave dates together in "Number of Days" field. For instance enter 3 for the example explained in step 5.
  7. Select the status of leave from "Status"field. Eg, requested, confirmed and rejected etc.
  8. Choose the type of leave you are appealing for from "Leave Type" field. It is the lookup field that looks up for all the leaves profiles the employees are entitled with. You can create a new leave profile by clicking a "+ New Leave Profile" button.
  9. Write your comment on the generated leave request in "Feedback" text field.


The "Attachments" section stores all mandatory documents or files uploaded related to a job.

Steps to attach Attachments
  1. Click on "Attachments" under "RELATED LIST".
  2. Press "Upload File" to upload a file by scrolling down the "Attach" option.
  3. Click "Documents" option to to select documents from uploaded file.
  4. Append a link in "LINK (URL)" option.


The "Email" area stores all the emails containing crucial information such as office meetings and leave requests confirmations, distributed by the HR managers to employees or vice-versa.

Steps to Create an Email
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Emails".
  2. Click "+send" button or "send" button "Edit" button.
  3. Enter subject name in "Subject" field.
  4. Choose the template of email from "Choose your Template" button.
  5. Insert a survey link from "Insert Survey Link" button. (Optional)
  6. Type in your mail or message inside the text field below "Subject".
  7. Add attachment if required.
  8. Click "Send button" to send the message.

Open and Close Activities 

The "Open Activities" section allows HR Managers to create activities such as calendar events, tasks and calls and assign those activities to an employee. 

"Closed Activities" are activities that fall in the past.

To see a full description on how to work with "Activities" click here.

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