Issues with Sending and receiving Telegram messages

Issues with Sending and receiving Telegram messages

Telegram Message Issues

While Telegram is easier to setup and configure than WhatsApp, Telegram users can still manage their own personal security and privacy settings, as such this can at times stop or prevent you from sending Telegram messages to your Leads or  Contacts. 

'Failed - empty contact imported'

Telegram uses the concept of a 'Telegram ID' or 'Telegram User ID' and depending on how the contact has configured their privacy settings you can use their 'mobile' number to send messages.  However many Telegram users do not allow their mobile number to be used to search for their matching Telegram ID and as such you maybe trying to send a 'Telegram' message to a contacts mobile however the message is not getting through and you will get an error 'failed - empty contact imported'.

So you might have their contact number however they have restricted who can use it to connect to them.

The easiest way to start chatting via Telegram is to have your contacts chat with you first.  This way their Telegram account knows your LogixOne Chat Telegram account as such the messages will flow.

Incorrect phone number format

Phone numbers must be formated correctly - eg country code & mobile number

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