Incident Module

Incident Module

Manage workplace incidents.

How To Video

Module Description

The Incidents Module allows you to create and manage ongoing incidents such as 'workplace' accidents, inappropriate behaviour, or any other workplace issue that needs to be recorded. Incident information is provided to help manage the type of incident, location and entities involved.   

The incident module allows HR Professionals to report and introduce effective actions taken to recover any losses and reduce risk. Employees can lodge incidents via access to the Employee Access Application but only managers are able to properly explain the incident, losses and immediate actions perceived to recapture the details. Corrective actions are also supported by several fields such as reason for action, current status, date created, incident cause and date of implementation etc. The module also enables the HR Professionals to send emails and maintain documentation relating to the Incident.

Module Features

  • Create and store incidents details.
  • Relate an incident to: an Employee, Office, Managers, incident status, etc.
  • Record ‘Incident’ details such as: date/time, Log type, severity, participants, brief and detail description  etc.
  • Create and send emails regarding incident scenario.
  • Create corrective actions.
  • Record ‘corrective action’ details such as: reason, current status, incident cause, date of creating and implementation.
  • Attach ‘Incident’ documents such incident pictures, incident severity reports.

Creating an Incident

  1. Navigate to "Incident" Module in the main menu.
  2. Click "+" button to create an incident.
  3. Enter incident name in "Incident Name" text field under "Incident Information" section.
  4. Choose a image of incident from captured images and upload in "Incident Image 1" field.
  5. Incident status is set "Open" by default.
  6. Upload second image of incident in "Incident Image 2" field.
  7.  Type the name of incident in "Other Incident Type" uploaded in step 6.
  8. Upload third image of third incident in "Incident Image 3" field.
  9. Enter name of incident in "Incident Image 3" uploaded in step 8. 
  10. Type in the name of authorities involved in "Authorities Involved" field. For example an ambulance and fire brigade.
  11. Select the Manager from "Manager" lookup field. It looks up for all enrolled employees in the organization. You can create a new employee from "+New Employee" button.
  12. Select the office location(incident place) from "Office" field. It is a lookup field that looks up for all office locations. You can create a new office from "+New Office" button.

Incident Log

The "Incident Log" area enables the HR Managers to lodge the incident details before and after taking the corrective actions. It includes date and place of incident, number of participants involved, status and severity of incident. It is represented in tabular form consisting of various rows and column.

Creating an Incident Log entry

  1. Move your courser to "Incident Log" section.
  2. Enter incident time in "Date/Time" column. Eg: June 10, 2020, 12:10 pm.
  3. Enter the type of log in a "Log Type" column. For instance, type "New Entry" for occurred incident and type "Close" for the resolved incident.
  4. Describe in your words briefly about the happening in "Brief Description". Eg: An employee got injured.
  5. Enter the names of sufferer (staff members) in the "Participants" column. Eg Navjeet Kaur
  6. Enter the impact of happening in the "Severity" column. Eg: high, medium and low etc.
  7. Type in the place of incident in "Location" column. Eg Melbourne Office.
  8. Describe the whole incident in a "Detailed Description" column. Eg: Navjeet Kaur was drinking coffee. The coffee split over her left hand and causes severe irritation.
See the example below to understand in a better way
Log Type
Brief Description
Detail Description
June 10, 2020 12:10pm
New Entry
An employee got injured
Navjeet Kaur
Melbourne Office
Navjeet Kaur was drinking coffee.The Coffee Split over her hand and causes irritation
June 11, 2020 4:00pm
Navjeet Kaur
Melbourne Office
Navjeet Kaur is fine now.

Incident Participants

The "Incident Participants" area enables the HR Managers to keep the track of staff members involved in the incident with details of their details.

Creating Participants

  1. Enter the names of employees and HR Managers involved in incident in "Employees Involved" text field. Eg: Peter La Fontaine and Surya.
  2. Type in the details of participant 1, participant 2 and participant 3 in "Employee 1 Detail", "Employee 2 Detail" and "Employee 3 Detail" fields respectively.

Management Report

The Management Report area allows the HR Managers to record the managers viewpoints and suggest the idea of taking corrective action.

Creating a Management Report

  1. Enter the name of reporting manager in "Manager" field. Eg Peter La Fontaine
  2. Tick the "Corrective Acton Required" checkbox if there is need to take corrective actions. Tick that checkbox if the severity of incident is High.
  3. Type in the viewpoint of the HR Manager in "Manager Comment" text field. For instance, "Only 5 people are allowed in the kitchen to avoid unnecessary  injuries."

Corrective Action

The "Corrective Action" area allows the HR Managers to lodge the details of methods and measures taken to redeem or avoid such incidents in future. It also encounter the dates of opening and closing the incident. It focuses on the causes and reason of misshaping and implements the inevitable methods.

 Creating Corrective Actions

  1. Move your courser to "Corrective Action" section.
  2. Enter a strong reason for taking action in "Reason For Action" Field. Eg: The employee was injured badly.
  3. Enter the date of creating or happening of incident in "Date Created" field. For instance 'June 10, 2020' is the date of happening an incident.
  4. Enter the date of closing or solving the incident in "Date Created" field. Eg: June 11, 2020. The date of closing an incident should be greater than date of happening.
  5. Type in the suggestion to relief or redeem the loss in "Improvement Recommendation" field. Eg The chairs in the kitchen are old and some of them are in the condition to be replaced to avoid kitchen incidents.
  6. Type in the  implementation of the recommendation in "Improvement Recommendation Implemented" suggested in step 5. Eg: The broken chairs are replaced with new chairs.
  7. Enter the method taken quickly at time of incident in "Immediate Action taken" field. Eg The employee was given first aid. 
  8. Type in detail about the incident in "Detailed Incident Description" text field. Eg Navjeet Kaur was drinking coffee. The coffee split over her left hand and causes severe irritation.
  9. Type in the notes in points about incidents in "Completed Notes" text field.
  10. Enter the causes or reasons of incident in "Incident Causes" field. Eg The kitchen chair broke down. 
  11. Enter the name of HR Manager who record the details of incident in "Completed By" field....
  12. Enter the date of implementing the necessary measures in "Date Of Implementation" to avoid injuries or loses in future. 
  13. Click "Save" button to apply changes.


The "Attachments" section stores all mandatory documents or files uploaded related to a job.

Steps to attach Attachments
  1. Click on "Attachments" under "RELATED LIST".
  2. Press "Upload File" to upload a file by scrolling down the "Attach" option.
  3. Click "Documents" option to to select documents from uploaded file.
  4. Append a link in "LINK (URL)" option.


The "Email" area stores all the emails containing crucial information such as office meetings and leave requests confirmations, distributed by the HR managers to employees or vice-versa.

Steps to Create an Email
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Emails".
  2. Click "+send" button or "send" button "Edit" button.
  3. Enter subject name in "Subject" field.
  4. Choose the template of email from "Choose your Template" button.
  5. Insert a survey link from "Insert Survey Link" button. (Optional)
  6. Type in your mail or message inside the text field below "Subject".
  7. Add attachment if required.
  8. Click "Send button" to send the message.

Open and Close Activities 

The "Open Activities" section allows HR Managers to create activities such as calendar events, tasks and calls and assign those activities to an employee. 

"Closed Activities" are activities that fall in the past.

To see a full description on how to work with "Activities" click here.


The "Employees" area is the place where names of employees are revealed who are involved in that particular incident. It manifests names of HR Manager and employees and link them to the incident directly or indirectly.

Steps to Create an Employee
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Employee" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create an Employee. (Refer Employee Module user manual to study next steps to create an Employee.)


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