How to set up and manage Revenue Discounts for the LogixOne B2B portal.

How to set up and manage Revenue Discounts for the LogixOne B2B portal.


Revenue discounts allow you to apply a total order value discount to your customer orders placed via the LogixOne B2B Portal for Zoho CRM. Revenue discounts can be applied on a per account basis. They are calculated based on the total order value that the customer is placing via the B2B portal. 

You can create as many Revenue Discounts as required utilising the 'Revenue Discounts' module installed within zoho CRM.
Revenue Discounts module installed within side Zoho CRM.
Revenue Discounts being applied to customer total order value within LogixOne B2B portal.

How to Video

The following video details how to create and manage 'Revenue Discounts' for LogixOne B2B Portal for Zoho CRM:

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