How to create Auto-responders using LogixOne Chat and Zoho CRM Workflow rules

How to create Auto-responders using LogixOne Chat and Zoho CRM Workflow rules

Responding to your customers quickly is really crucial to providing great customer service and will help keep your customers engaged.  A great way to do this is to create 'auto' responders or automatic messages that will respond to any 'inbound' message, no matter what the channel.  Zoho CRM Workflow rules in combination with LogixOne Chat can easily do this.

Here's a demo video

The following is an example:
Lets say you've created a QR code that contains a pre-scripted WhatsApp message and when the sender scans this it creates the following WhatsApp message: "Hi I met your team at Zoholics Sydney 2023 and i'd like to discuss?"  when the sender sends this it will send a message to LogixOne Chat.  What you want to do is create an 'Automated' response acknowledging the new message.

To do so please follow the steps below:

Step 1 create a new Zoho CRM workflow for the 'Messaging' such as detailed in the image below

Notice the 'When' is when a 'messages' is created and that the Condition contacts the expected text and that the 'Direction' for the message is Inbound

Step 2
Create a new 'Message' record using the 'Instant Actions' as per the image below:

  Click Save and Save again to activate the Workflow.  Thats it now thoroughly test the workflow.

You can create as many of these 'Auto-responders' as you like and set more conditions and even scheduled actions to for example delay the auto-responder.

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