Employee Module

Employee Module

Manage employees.
Employees Module

How To Video

Module Description

The Employee Module displays all 'employed' and contracted employees within the organization. It stores all the professional and personal information such as ID number, office location, joining date and family member details etc. Employees are hired under company terms of conditions which may vary from one employee to another. Employees can be related to a number of other records such as, meeting invites, performance reviews, incidents, contracts, documentation, schedules and much more.  The employee module can be seen as the central location for almost all HR data.

Module Features

  • Displays a list of contracted employees working for same or different positions.
  • Enables access the information of employees working at different head offices.
  • Working employees are contracted can be employed under different contracts statuses such as; full time, part time and on causal bases. The contract documents illustrate the date of joining, probation period and last date of the contract along with salary details.
  • Allows authorization of employees with certain applications access such as LogixOne Employee App. Some employees are granted with admin access rights.
  • Creates office meetings and notify his colleagues about the meeting details by sending emails.
  • Enables an employee to access employee portal by sending email and password to set up the account.
  • Keeps the record of all employees important documents, emails, open and closed events, actions and leave requests as well.
  • View automatically updated leaves balances, working days and hours, date of joining.
  • Accept or reject requested leave.
  • Append, modify and retrieve an employee's personal and professional information.
  • Create incidents and actions to  related to incidents such as corrective actions.
  • Create and organize employee reviews to track organizational and personnel performance to enhance throughput.

Creating Employees

  1. Navigate to "Employee" Module in the main menu.
  2. Press "+" button to add new employee within the organization.
  3. Enter full name of the employee in the "Employee Full name" field under "Employee Information". It is the mandatory field to be filled before hiring an employee for new vacancy.
  4. Enter email address, religion, phone number of employee in "Email", "Religion" and "Phone" fields respectively.
  5. Select current status of employee in "Status" field. Eg: Under contract, retired, resigned etc. It is the mandatory field to be filled before hiring an employee for new vacancy.
  6. Fill bank details such as bank name, bank code and bank account in "Bank Name", "bank Code" and "Bank account" respectively.
  7. Select incident assigned to employee from "Incidents" field. It covers the risks and physical injuries to the employee during work. You can create a new incident happened by clicking "+new incident".
  8. The "Total Working Days" and "Total working Hours" fields are automatically calculated from the attendance records.
  9.  Fill other details such as tax status, gender, marital status, address in "Tax Status", "Gender", "Marital Status" and "Current Address" fields respectively.
  10. Select your time zone according to your country. This field is helpful to work globally. It is the mandatory field to be filled before hiring an employee for new vacancy.
  11. Enter employee's first day of job in the "Join Date" field.
  12. Enter a unique id in "EmployeeID" field. Employee ID can be generated automatically by contacting LogixOne application.
  13. Choose employee's original profile from "Candidate Reference" field. It is a lookup field that looks up all candidate numbers assigned to candidates during the time of registration.
  14. Enter employee's first name, last name and date of birth in "Employee First Name", "Employee Last Name" and "DOB" fields respectively.
  15. Upload employee's images for job ID and job profile in "ID Image Upload" and "Profile Image Upload" respectively.
  16. Click "Save" button to save employee's details.

Leave Balances

The "Leave balances" area details the "Leave Profiles" associated with an employee. It tracks and records the total number of leaves granted and taken by an employee. "Leave Balance" is represented in a tabular form consisting of five columns named "Leave Profile", "Taken", "Owing", "Total Working Hours" and "Total Working days" are explained below: 
  1. "Leave Profile" column enlisted several type of paid or unpaid leaves an employee is entitled with. Eg: Annual leave, sick leave etc.
  2. "Taken" column represents the number leaves taken by an employee. It is represented in hours. For example one day leave is depicted by 8 hours(working hours).
  3. "Owning" is the total number of hours an employee can take off and get paid for those hours as well. It is updated automatically from total number of working hours and days.
  4. "Total Working Hours" is the total number of hours an employee have worked from joining date to current day.
  5. "Total Working days" represent total number of working days from joining date to current date.

Meeting Invitation

The "Meeting Invitation" area allows the HR Managers to create meetings and send calendar invitations to the Manager and an employee.

Steps to Create Meeting
  1. Click "Edit" button to create a meeting
  2. Scroll down to "Meeting Invitations".
  3. Enter a meeting title in "Meeting Title" column. Eg: Formal meeting, informal meeting etc.
  4. Write down what you are going to discuss in the meeting "Description" field. Eg: Brain Storming, problem solving.
  5. Select the official meeting location in "Location" field. Eg: Zoom meeting, office location etc.
  6. Select start and end time of the meeting in "Start Time" and "End Time" fields. "End time" should always be greater than "Start time".
  7. Enter the additional participants to join the meeting in "Participants" field.
  8. Tick on the checkbox "Send Invite" to send an email to notify participants about meetings.
See the example quoted below to understand the steps in a better way:

Meeting Title
Start Time
End Time
Send Invites
Formal Meeting 
1. Problem Solving
2. Innovation meeting
Zoom application
10:00 am
12:00 pm
      Direct            Manager

Current Contract Detail (Automatically updated)

  1. The "Employee Level" field describes the level of an employee at work. Eg Assistant Manager
  2. The "Emp Salary Pay Period" field describes how base wages are paid to employees as per contract. Eg Hourly, weekly etc
  3. The "Contract Type" field carries the information of type of contract. Eg Part time, full time etc
  4. The "Office" field updates the location of office as per contract consensus.
  5. The "Date End Of Last Contract" field upgrades last date of employee's last contract.
  6. The "Salary" field describe the fixed regular payment agreed upon in a contract agreement.

LogixOne Employee App

The LogixOne HR employee app can either be accessed by normal web browser of Android or IOS smart device application.  This part of the employee module provisions access to the employee access application to the employee selected.
  1. Tick on "App Access" to enable an employee to access the LogixOne People Staff application.
  2. Select access right from "App Access Rights" lookup field. It will grant your employee an access rights to use LiogixOne application accordingly. Eg: full access rights.
  3. Press "Enable employee Access" button just under "Create Meeting Invitation" button. The system will send your employee an email (login details) to login to the employee portal. The system generates password automatically.


The "Insurance" area carries the information of health insurance plan of an employee. 
  1. Type in the name of health insurance company an employee is registered with in "Company" field.
  2. Enter the policy number of health insurance cover in "Policy Number" field.


The "Family" section underpins the information of an employee's family. It tracks record of number of family members and their birth dates and names as well.
  1. Fill in the name of first child, second child and third child in "Child 1", "Child 2" and "Child 3" fields respectively.(Fill applicable fields only)
  2. Fill in the date of birth of First child, second child and third child in "Child 1 DOB", "Child 2 DOB" and "Child 3 DOB" fields respectively.
  3. Select Date of birth of husband/wife from calendar in the "DOB Husband/Wife" field.
  4. Enter mother's original name of employee in "Mother's Maiden Name" field.
  5. Enter other family member name and relation in "Note" text field under "Other" section. (If applicable)

Additional Information

The "Addition Information" section authorizes the provision of supplementary details automatically calculated from contract agreement and  'LogixOne Staff Application' access.
  1. Total number workings days are calculated automatically in "Total Length Of Service Days". It will exclude the leaves taken. Eg 110 working days.
  2. Similarly, total number of working months and days are calculated automatically in "Total Length Of Service Months and Days". Eg: 3 months and 20 days 

Emergency Contact

The "Emergency Contact" field leverages the contact information of family member or relatives to contact in the event of an employee's emergency.
  1. Enter the mobile number in "Emergency Contact No." field.
  2. Type in the name of person in "Emergency Contact" field.

Employee Contract

The "Employee Contract" section allows HR manger to create contract consensus for hired employees.

Steps to Create Contracts
  1. Go to RELATED LIST, click "Employee Contracts". It will navigate you to the contract module.
  2. Refer "Contract Module" in user manual to study how to create a contract.


The "Attachments" section stores all mandatory documents or files uploaded related to a job.

Steps to attach Attachments
  1. Click on "Attachments" under "RELATED LIST".
  2. Press "Upload File" to upload a file by scrolling down the "Attach" option.
  3. Click "Documents" option to to select documents from uploaded file.
  4. Append a link in "LINK (URL)" option.


The "Email" area stores all the emails  received by an employee related to his/her job.

Steps to Create an Email
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Emails".
  2. Click "+send" button or "send" button "Edit" button.
  3. Enter subject name in "Subject" field.
  4. Choose the template of email from "Choose your Template" button.
  5. Insert a survey link from "Insert Survey Link" button. (Optional)
  6. Type in your mail or message inside the text field below "Subject".
  7. Add attachment if required.
  8. Click "Send button" to send the message.

Open Activities 

The "Open Activities" section allows HR Managers to create activities or tasks and entitle those tasks to an employee. An activity is a task, an event or a call that an employee is assigned with.

To see a full description on how to work with "Activities" click here.

Hiring Manager Roles

The "Hiring Manager Role" area enables the HR Managers to create new vacancies within the organization. These vacancies are opened and published on corporate website further to invite new candidates.

Steps Followed 
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Hiring Manger Role".
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" to create new vacancy. (Refer Vacancy Module user manual to study further steps to create a vacancy.)

Direct Reports

The "Direct Reports" area authorizes the Hiring Managers to create and assign contracts to their employees.

Steps Followed 
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Direct Reports".
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" to create a new contract. (Refer Contract Module user manual to study next steps to create a contract.)

Candidate Referrals

The "Candidate Referral" area authorizes the HR Managers to create and associate new candidates within the organization for new created vacancies.

Steps to Create a Candidate Referral
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Candidate Referral".
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" to create new candidate. (Refer Candidate Module user manual to study further steps to create a candidate.)

Reviews OR Employee Reviews

The "Reviews" module enables the HR Managers to create new reviews to analyse an employee's performance and instituting the changes as per requirements.

Steps to Create a Review 
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Reviews".
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" to create a new review. (Refer Review Module user manual to study further steps to create a review.)


The "Office" area enables the HR Managers to create new office at different location details.

Steps To Create an Office
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Office" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button.(Refer Office Module user manual to study next steps to create an Office.)


The "Incidents" area allows the HR Managers to create and associate an incident record for any misshaping in the office. It logged the detail of incident type, participants involved, severity, location and steps to recover the losses. 

Steps to Create Incidents
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Incidents" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" button.(Refer Incidents Module user manual to study next steps to create an Incident.)

Leave Requests

The "Leave Requests" area allows the HR Managers to create leave request of an employee and associate leave request with employee profile.

Steps to Create Leave Requests
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Leave Requests" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button.(Refer Leave Requests Module user manual to study next steps to create a leave request.)

Manager Incidents

The "Manager Incidents" area allows the HR Managers to create incidents concerned with managers and associate the incidents with their profile.

Steps to Create Manager Incidents
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Manager Incidents" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button.(Refer Incidents Module user manual to study next steps to create a Manager Incident.)

Senior Manager Incidents

The "Manager Incidents" area allows the HR Managers to create incidents concerned with senior managers and associate the incidents with their profile.

Steps to Create Manager Incidents
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Manager Incidents" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button.(Refer Incidents Module user manual to study next steps to create a Manager Incident.)

Corrective Actions

The "Corrective Actions" area allows the HR Managers to create incidents concerned with managers and employees and to evaluate corrective measures taken  to cover from the incidents

Steps to Create Corrective Actions
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Corrective Actions" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button.(Refer Incidents Module user manual to study next steps to create corrective actions.)

Candidate Reference

The "Candidate Reference" area describes the candidate record of an employee. One candidate can apply for more than one job. Therefore, this area enlisted all applied jobs corresponds to one candidate.

Steps to Create Candidate Reference
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Candidate Reference" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create candidate. (Refer Candidate Module user manual to study next steps to create Candidate.)

Candidate Allocated To

The "Candidate Allocated To" area enlisted the number of candidates assigned to the HR Manager. 

Steps to Create Candidate Allocated to
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Candidate Allocated To" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create candidate. (Refer Candidate Module user manual to study next steps to create Candidate.)

Access Rights

The "Access Rights" area is automatically updated which enlisted all the rights a HR Manager and an employee are allocated with.

Steps to create an Access Right
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Access Rights" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" button.(Refer Access Rights Module user manual to study next steps to create an Access Right.)

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