Access Rights Module

Access Rights Module

Allow access to LogixOne HR modules within Employee Access Portal

How To Video

Module Description

The access rights module enables HR managers to allow different access to individual employees to certain modules via the web-based employee access portal.  In many instances HR managers may require certain employees to have access to modules such as: HR map, scheduler, shift codes and the like to be able to modify these without requiring a full HR manager license.

Module Features

  • The Access Right Module enables the HR Managers to create and assign access rights To certain modules within the employee access portal..
  • Create unique 'access rights' profiles enabling access to different features based on a groups.  For example, 'All Access' enables associated employees with access to ALL webportal modules.

Creating an Access Rights

  1. Navigate to "Access Right" on the main menu.
  2. Click "+" button to create an access right.
  3. Enter name of access right in "Access Right Name" text field under "Access Right Information" section.
  4. Using the "Email" field enter your email address.
  5. Tick on the checkbox of "View Schedule" to enable the HR Manager and employee to read the schedule. Otherwise, they are not able to view the schedule.
  6. Choose office from "Office" lookup field. It looks up for all the offices branches of the organization. You can create a new office by clicking on "+New Office" button.
  7. Tick on the checkbox of "Import Attendance", "Create Schedule", "Manage Shift Code" to grant access for importing attendance, generating schedule roster, controlling and managing the shift codes respectively.
  8. Tick on "View Reports" checkbox under "Access Rights" section to authorizes the staff members to read generated reports.
  9. Tick on "Leave approval" checkbox to enable the HR Managers to approve leave requests.
  10. Click "Save" button to save the changes.


The "Attachments" section stores all mandatory documents or files uploaded related to a job.

Steps to attach Attachments
  1. Click on "Attachments" under "RELATED LIST".
  2. Press "Upload File" to upload a file by scrolling down the "Attach" option.
  3. Click "Documents" option to to select documents from uploaded file.
  4. Append a link in "LINK (URL)" option.

Open and Close Activities 

The "Open Activities" section allows HR Managers to create activities such as calendar events, tasks and calls and assign those activities to an employee. 

"Closed Activities" are activities that fall in the past.

To see a full description on how to work with "Activities" click here.


The "Offices" area relates an access right generated with offices by displaying the list of authorized offices which has access to the access right generated.

Steps to Create an Office
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Offices" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create An Office. (Refer Office Module user manual to study next steps to create an Office.)


The "Employees" area arranges the employee names endorsed with that particular access right. 

Steps to Create an Employee
  1. Browse through "RELATED LIST", click "Employees" field.
  2. Click "+Assign" or "+New" button to create an Employee. (Refer Employee Module user manual to study next steps to create an Employee.)

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